
Azuska Programmes

Fertility Enhancement Retreat

Get ready to bring in the miracle of life

Fertility Enhancement

7 days

4.500€ / USD $5.000

Fertility Enhancement Retreat

Embark on a hopeful journey with us at our Fertility Enhancement Retreat, a nurturing haven designed to guide you through fertility challenges with compassion and holistic care. We blend Ayurvedic wisdom and detoxification to enhance your fertility, paving a path towards the joy of starting your family. Together, discover the power of healing and the joy that lies ahead in your journey to parenthood.


Find Balance

Learn to dissolve work stress, embracing a life where work and joy coexist harmoniously, energizing your every day.

Strengthen Relationships

Acquire skills for navigating relationship stresses, fostering better communication and understanding.

Embrace Healing

Discover support for navigating loss and grief, fostering resilience and finding your way back to joy and acceptance in a nurturing space.

Boost Your Well-being

Experience holistic practices that reduce stress-related health issues, leading to a lighter, more vibrant you.

Financial Calm

Gain tools to shift from financial stress to a mindset of abundance, empowering you with confidence and peace.

Boosted Circulation, Closer Connection

Enhance your reproductive health together through improved circulation, physically and emotionally paving the way for new life.

Harmonized Health, Fertility Enhanced

Detoxify and balance hormones together, fostering a fertile environment in unison for the miracle of conception.

Personalized Fertility Support

Receive targeted therapies and guidance to boost fertility for both, strengthening your journey to parenthood with every step.

Shared Stress Management, Strengthened Bond

Learn stress management as a couple, building emotional resilience and a deeper connection for fertility.

Optimized IVF, United Hope

Elevate your IVF outcomes with care tailored to both partners, nurturing your shared dream of family with every moment of support.

Recommended for

Couples who are beginning their journey towards parenthood.

Individuals or couples facing challenges with conception.

Those interested in a holistic approach to fertility enhancement.

Individuals or couples seeking personalized advice and therapies.

Couples looking to reduce stress levels for improved reproductive health.

Programme Elements

Typical 7 days


Comprehensive Health and Lifestyle Review

1. Personal & Medical Questionnaire: This helps Your Wellness team to identify potential root causes of the areas of imbalance in your life, approaching it from various angles.
2. Vital Signs Check: Essential measurements to monitor your health. This includes blood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate.

Comprehensive 360 degree Screening

3. Physical Composition Evaluation
4. Biological Age Estimation
5. Visceral & Subcutaneous Fat Measurement
6. Body Acid/Alkaline Evaluation

Blood Work Components

7. Complete Blood Count (CBC): Evaluates the health of your blood cells to detect conditions like anemia, infection, and many other disorders.
8. Lipid Profile: Measures cholesterol levels and triglycerides to assess cardiovascular risk.
9. Comprehensive Panel: Checks blood sugar, kidney function, and liver function.
10. Hormonal Assay: . They help healthcare professionals understand the hormonal state of a patient, guiding treatment decisions to restore hormonal balance and improve health outcomes.

Ayurveda Doctor’s Consultations

11. Personalized Ayurvedic Consultation: Begin your retreat with a one-on-one session to understand your health and medical history.
12. Body Type and Dosha Discovery: Identify your natural constitution to tailor your retreat experience.
13. Root Cause Analysis: Dive deep into any imbalances affecting your well-being.
14. Ongoing Health Optimization: Daily assessments to fine-tune your retreat, ensuring it meets your unique needs.
15. Final Health Overview and Future Plan: Conclude with an expert review and a bespoke plan for continuing your wellness journey post-retreat.


16. Consultation with our nutrition expert to discuss any allergies and intolerances.
17. 4 day Personalized Juice Fasting Detox Menu plan for you to choose from.
18. Followed by 3 days of Dosha Balancing Ayurveda Detox Menu plan.
19. Personalized nutrition consultation to discuss your food post retreat
20. Meal planning session using food cards to help you create nutritionally balanced meal plans for when you get back home
21. Daily Natural Alkaline and Immunity boosting shots
22. Daily Supplements to help regenerate and support liver health in detoxification
23. Daily Supplements to help cleanse, heal and support the digestive system
24. Daily Supplements to boost immunity and protect cells from free radical damage.
25. Daily Supplements to enhance metabolism and essential fatty acids
26. Daily Personalized Supplements to support fertility health
27. A detoxification program to remove toxins, replenish the body with nutrients, allow you to rest and relax and so encouraging your body’s natural self-healing abilities
28. Followed by fertility enhancing Ayurveda Diet tailored to your individual imbalances and needs.


29. Daily Yoga that is particularly designed to stretch, stimulate and enhance the detox pathways.
30. Daily Pranayama session to enhance your breathing capacity and energise cells with vital oxygen.
31. Daily Meditation to relax, re-align and reconnect the physical physiological and psychological body.
32. Specially designed Hormonal Yoga Sessions focused on yoga asanas particularly beneficial to stimulating the reproductive system.
33. 1 Session Comprehensive 3 Chakra Assessment to identify the imbalance and plan suitable therapy.
34. 1 Session Hypnotherapy/ EFT designed to empower you with the necessary tools and mindset for a successful detox journey, leading to a healthier and more balanced life.


35. 4 Sessions of Detox Massage that penetrate deeply, nourishes the body, by stimulating lymph flow and encourage the removal of toxins.
36. 3 Sessions of Joint and Flexibility Care to release joint pain, stiffness, and improve flexibility.
37. 2 Relaxing Massages to de-stress and promote relaxation through gentle pouring of oil on the forehead.
38. 5 Sessions of de-stressing and re-balancing massages that offers a unique pathway to rejuvenation and well-being.
39. Daily Colon cleansing therapies designed to aid blood purification, strengthen and cleanse the digestive system, boost metabolism, improve joint health and aids in weight loss.


Comprehensive Health and Lifestyle Review

40. Daily Educational sessions and workshops on nutrition, ayurveda, holistic wellbeing, yoga, and healthy cooking classes.
  • Understanding the Acid/Alkaline Balance
  • Role of Nutrition in Stress Management
  • Meal Planning Workshop
  • The Liver
  • Ayuveda Treatments & Therapies
  • Benefits of Yoga & Meditation
  • Health Cooking Workshop
  • Healthy Cooking Classes: Practical lessons for nutritious meal preparation.

For inquiries about additional program inclusions for 10 and 14-night stays, please contact us : or call us at 999999999

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